Q. What is colposcopy?
A. It s a non-surgical procedure, which uses a high resolution telescope to look at mouth of uterus (Cervix) under high magnification.
Q. When should I get the colposcopy done?
A. If you having bleeding after sex, inter-menstrual bleeding, excessive white discharge.
Q. Does it require admission?
A. No.
Q. If it painful?
A. No.
Q. Does it require anaesthesia?
A. No
Q. What does Colposcopy DETECT?
A. It detects pre-cancerous lesion, erosions of cervix and cancer of cervix
Q. What if COLPOSCOPY detects some abnormality ?
A. Biopsy can be taken from the suspicious area / lesion.
Q. Is any follow-up required if COLPOSCOPY is abnormal?
A. Yes, Colposcopy to be done yearly.
Normal Cervix
Cancer of Cervix